European ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting BLOG

BLOG about ASP.NET 4, ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting and Its Technology - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

Europe FREE Windows ASP.NET Hosting - Spain :: Windows ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting Services

clock April 11, 2014 07:34 by author Scott Windows and ASP.Net 4.5 hosting is a rare find. Even though the hosting industry is competitive and crowded, finding top-notch ASP.Net 4.5 hosting services is a challenge. Anyone who chooses Windows-based website development is well aware of that!

While researching this Windows and ASP.Net 4.5 hosting, is one of the best in the business, boasting the knowledge and expertise to cater to the specific needs and demands of Windows ASP.Net clients. Windows and ASP.Net 4.5 hosting plans start with unlimited disk space and data transfer. Plesk control panel, 1 MySQL database and 1 MSSQL 2012 databases, Included within this list is the latest and greatest in .NET framework and ASP web hosting. Advanced email and development features sweeten the deal. Speaking of sweet deals: still offers a free domain name for life, a valuable bonus that is becoming increasingly rare among hosting providers. You’ll practically save money by signing up! These hosting plans definitely feature everything an ASP.Net developer needs to launch an exciting, reliable website.

Since opening in 2008, has gained a broad client base that includes individuals, enterprises, and businesses. With all of the above qualities – not to mention 24/7 support and proven reliability – it’s not hard to see why.

Price Value

Our Windows and ASP.Net hosting review picked out a few highlights: a 30-day money-back guarantee, 99.9% guaranteed uptime,  and automatic setup… and these are just the beginning.

With Windows Classic ASP hosting plans starting at just 5.00/month, Budget from €.5.50/month, Economy from €8.00/month and Business Plan from €11.00/month, we knew we had to look carefully at the feature list to be sure customers get everything they need. We’re pleased to report that comes out ahead on value, with a huge range of features and bonuses, including advanced email options. Dedicated IP addresses and other add-ons are well priced as well.


Our Windows and ASP.Net hosting review turned up some crucial details beyond the industry-standard 99.9% uptime guarantee. The data centers (in Amsterdam) is protected by fully redundant power. Multiple tier-1 telecom providers and direct Internet connection ensure maximum speed and fast connections. The Network Operations Center employs 24/7/365 redundant monitoring to ensure instant response to any network problem. Nightly security updates and active firewalls keep hackers and malware out.

Control Panel

When you are a member of Classic ASP, you will enjoy the free use of Plesk Control panel, a highly stable and popular Windows control panel. This will allow you to manage virtually every site feature without the extra needed support of

Customer Support offers 24/7 support time. The support portal has a searchable knowledgebase of help articles. In other words, the Windows and ASP .Net hosting experts will be there when you need them.


European FREE ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting - Germany :: ASP.NET 4.5 Shared Web Hosting Trust Level

clock April 2, 2014 08:22 by author Scott

With more and more people and companies developing websites by Microsoft .NET technology, ASP.NET 4.5 shared web hosting comes to be the major solution provided by many web hosting companies. Most of people choose an ASP.NET 4.5 web host considering about .NET framework version, ASP.NET MVC support, SQL Server database, disk space or bandwidth but they usually ignore the most important feature “IIS security level”. That determines whether the ASP.NET 4.5 websites can run successfully on the shared web host. In result to, if you developing an ASP.NET 4.5 website that works well in the local development environment and attempt to run it in the ASP.NET 4.5 shared web host, you may get the following exception,

System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted caller

This is caused by the security level of the ASP.NET 4.5 shared web host that your application is forced to run with the limited permission, by locking down the access to server file system, preventing the background threads, or interacting with COM interfaces, etc.

ASP.NET 4.5 Web Hosting Trust Levels


This security level is known as the Trust Level of IIS for ASP.NET 4.5 websites

It can be configured with the following setting:

  • Full Trust: website can do everything that the account of the application pool can do on the web server. This is the most flexible configuration for running websites on the shared web hosts. You won’t have any problems unless your website accesses the system information.
  • High Trust: websites are limited to call unmanaged code, e.g. Win32 APIs, COM interop.
  • Medium Trust: websites are limited to access the file system except the website application directory, system registry, Code DOM, and more (we will talk it later), compared to High Trust.
  • Low Trust & Minimal Trust: these two options restrict the websites seriously. Even they don’t allow websites to call the service out of process, such as database, network, etc. But we never saw an ASP.NET 4.5 shared web host configured with either one of these two options.

Full Trust and Medium Trust are two widely used levels in ASP.NET 4.5 shared web hosting. The full trust provides best flexibility but it has potential security issues to the shared server, especially when the web hosting provider doesn't have rich experience on setting up Windows permission and IIS. Compared to Full Trust, you have to review the website carefully before you go with a web host only supports Medium Trust Level. You can refer to the following checkpoints for the review,

  • The website shall not call unmanaged APIs.
  • The website shall not access to file system, system registry, event logs and anything else related to the system.
  • The website shall not generate code for execution dynamically using Code DOM.
  • The website shall not use XslTransform to transform something from XML using XSLT.
  • The website has to be signed with a Strong Name.

Check with the web page from Microsoft about which namespaces and classes are not supported in Medium Trust environment. 

And here is quick way to confirm the compatibility of websites to Medium Trust Level, in the local environment,

1. Add partially trusted callers attribute into AssemblyInfo.cs file of the website project, as following code snippet,

[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]

2. Add the following line into the web.config,

<trust level="Medium" />


It's a tradeoff between these two trust level. But if you confirm that the website can run successfully with Medium Trust in your local environment, we suggest you choose an ASP.NET 4.5 web host with Medium Trust only. It shall be more secure and reliable anyway. If you host the website based on 3rd party framework such as DotNetNuke, or using 3rd party component, we recommend you going with Full Trust web host.

ASP.NET 4 European Hosting - :: Tips to Improve ASP.NET Application Performance

clock February 4, 2014 06:35 by author Peter

Web application is designed to handle hundreds and thousands of requests per seconds so to handle these requests effectively and successfully it is important to resolve any potential performance bottlenecks. Now we will state some tips that improve the performance of your web application. Try, only with € 3.00/month, you can get a reasonable price with best service. This topic contains only brief information about ASP.NET, if you want to be more familiar with ASP.NET, you should try

1. Cache Commonly used objects
You can cache commonly used objects in ASP.Net using Cache class that provides an extensive caching mechanism that storing resources and allow you to:

- Define an expiration for a cached object either by specified a TimeSpan or a fixed DateTime.

- Define priority for cached objects. when there is a memory lack and objects need to be freed.

- Define validity for a cached object by adding dependacies

- Attach callbacks to cached objects,so when an objects is removed from cache the callback is invoked.

you can add objects to cache by adding it to cache Dictionary.

Cache["Mykey"] = myObject;

or using Insert method of Cache class

Cache.Insert("MyKey",myObject, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60), dependacies : null );

2. Using Asynchronous Pages,Modules and Controllers
When IIS passes a request to ASP.NET, the request is queued to the thread pool and a worker thread is assigned to handle this request. the worker thread is limited so any new request will be queued to be handle after the current requests handled. If a request need to do some I/O operation like retrieving data from  a database or calling web service that mean you need to reduce the request time.

You can change I/O operation in your web page by making it as Asynchronous Page. In ASP.NET you can do that by firstly marking the page as async

<%@ Page Async="true"....

then create new PageAsyncTask object and pass it the delegates for the begin, end, and timeout methods. After creating PageAsyncTask object, call the Page.RegisterAsuncTask method to start the asynchronous opertaion.

public partial class MyAsyncPage : System.Web.UI.Page
   private SqlConnection _sqlConnection;
   private SqlCommand _sqlCommand;
   private SqlDataReader _sqlReader;

   IAsyncResult BeginAsyncOp(Object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback cb, Object state)
       // this method will be executed in the original worker thread,
       //so don't do any lengthy operation here
       _sqlcommand = CreateSqlCommand(_sqlConnection);
       return _sqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader();
   void EndAsyncOp(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
       _sqlReader = _sqlCommand.EndExecuteReader(asyncResult);
       // read the data and build page contents
   void TimeoutAsyncOp(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
       _sqlReader = _sqlCommand.EndExecuteReader(asyncResult);
       // read the data and build page contents
   public override void Dispose()
       if(_sqlConnection != null)
   protected void btnClick_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       PageAsyncTask task = new PageAsyncTask( new BeginEventHandler(BeginAsyncOp),
                                               new EndEventHandler(EndAsyncOp),
                                               new TimeoutEventHandler(TimeoutAsyncOp),
                                               state : null);

There is another way to create async pages is by using completion events.

public partial class MyAsyncPage2 : System.Web.UI.Page
   protected void btnGetData_Click(Object sender , EventArgs e)
       Services.MyService serviceProxy = new Services.MyService();
       serviceProxy.GetDataCompleted +=Services.GetDataCompletedEventHandler(GetData_Completed);
   void GetData_Completed(Object sender,Services.GetDataCompletedEventArgs e)
       //Extract the result from the event args and build the page's content


In ASP.NET MVC you can create such mechanisme by creating Asynchronous Controller. To create such contoller you need to follow these four steps:

- Create a Controller class that inherits from the AsyncController type.

- Implement  a set of action methods for each async operation according to the following convention, where xx is the name of the action: xxAsync and xxCompleted.

- In the xxAsync method, call the AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment method with the number of asynchronous operations you are about to perform.

- In the code which executes during the return of the async operation, call the AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement method to notify the operation has completed.

The following code shows you how to implement these steps:

public class MyController : AsyncController
   public void IndexAsync()
       MyService serviceProxy = new MyService();
       serviceProxy.GetDataCompleted += (sender , e) => {
                                        AsyncManager.Parameters["result"] = e.Value;
   public ActionResult IndexCompleted(MyData result)
       return view("Index",new MyViewModel { TheData = result });

3. Turn off ASP.NET Tracing and debugging
before deploying your web application turn of tracing feature by setting it to false in web.config file

        <trace enabled="false" />

While development phase you need to enable debugger to debug your code by setting it to true in web.config file. Neglecting change it again to false before deploying will affect your web application performance by facing many problems:

- Scripts that are downloaded using the WebResources.axd handler, by setting debug to false responses from that handler will be returned with caching headers, allowing browsers to cache the responses for future use.

- Request will not timeout when debug is set to true. By setting it to false will enable ASP.NET to define timeouts for requests according to the HttpRuntime.Execution Timeout configuration settings.

- JIT optimization will not be applied to the code when running with debug = true. JIT can efficiently improve the performance of your ASP.NET application without requiring you change your code.

- The compilation process does not use batch compilation when using debug = true. without batch compilation an assembly will be created for each page and control causing web application to load so many of assemblies during runtime. When debug set to false batch compilation is used, generating a single assembly for the user control and a several assemblies for pages.

in case you fear to forget setting debug to false when deploying your application, you can force all ASP.NET applications in a server to ignore the debug setting by adding  the following configurations in the server's machine.config file.

        <deployment retail="true" />

4. Disable View State
View state is used to allow ASP.NET to keep the state of the page between postbacks performed by user. View state data is stored in HTML output inside hidden field. If your page displays many controls that contains a huge data, the view state field will be big enough to affect the response time of your page. if your page just display data without need any postback so it will be better to disable the view state of the whole page by set EnableViewState to false.

<%@ Page EnableViewState="false".......%>

or disable view state of some controls in your page

<Asp:GridView ID="MyGrid" runat="server" DataSource="MyDataSource" EnableViewState="false" />

if you don't want to use view state in all pages of your web application it recommended to disable view state for whole web application by setting it to false in your web.config file

    <pages enableViewState="false" ....../>

5. Pre-Compiling ASP.NET Application
When compiling an ASP.NET application project, a single assembly is created to hold all application's code but web pages(.aspx) and user controls(.ascx) not compiled and be deployed as it is. In the first request ASP.NET dynamically compiles the web pages and user control and places the compiled files in the ASP.NET temporary files folder.
To reduce the time of first request the web application can be pre-compiled, including all code, pages, and user controls, by using the ASP.NET compilation tool (Aspnet_compiler.exe). Running this tool in production servers can reduce the delay users experience on first requests.

- Open a command prompt in your production server.

- Navigate to the %windir%\Microsoft.Net folder

- Navigate to either the Framework or Framework64 according to the configuration of web application's application pool.

- Navigate to framework version's folder.

- Enter the following command to start the compilation

Aspnet_compiler.exe  -v  /FullPathOfYourWebApplication

European ASP.NET Hosting - Nederland :: How to Solve System.Net.Mail: The specified string is not in the form required for a subject

clock January 21, 2014 08:59 by author Scott

Sometimes you’ll see this error on your site and it is really annoying. I post this issue as I see many people on forums experiencing on this issue. This is an error message:

“ArgumentException: The specified string is not in the form required for a subject“.

So what is exactly “the form required for a subject”? Googling for this error message returns a lot of junk and misinformed forum posts. It turns out that setting the Subject on a System.Net.Mail.Message internally calls MailBnfHelper.HasCROrLF (thank you Reflector) which does exactly what it says on the tin. Therefore one forum poster’s solution of subject.Replace("\r\n", " ") isn’t going to work when you have either a carriage returnor line feed in there.

The solution is like this:

message.Subject = subject.Replace('\r', ' ').Replace('\n', ' ');

Personally, I think that the MailMessage should to this for you or at least Microsoft should document what actually constitutes a “form required for a subject” in MSDN or, even better, in the actual error message itself!


About HostForLIFE

HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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