November 5, 2020 09:12 by
Well, Microsoft will release Asp.net 5 version, now it is on RC version and of course we will support this feature on our hosting environment. Asp.net Core keep improving and it is very fast. Previously, we have also advise steps by steps to migrate your Asp.net Core to latest Asp.net Core 3.1. Why? It because with latest Asp.net Core, it will be more secure and improving your website speed.
Why .NET Core is Better for Security
If you’ve ever tried to update an old house, you know that it can be challenging. As we’ve learned more about home construction and materials we have updated building codes and standards to ensure that modern homes have far few troubles and are far more efficient. .NET Core is the same thing.
Microsoft built .NET Core from the ground up with twenty years of lessons learned and updated best practices built in. Application and website security are not add-ons and patches. Security was a fundamental attribute of design and structure which means we can build more secure apps with less complexity and faster performance. And this is especially important in the age of platforms and the cloud when APIs and service calls are flying back and forth to keep your business tech connected to the world at the speed of light.
Importantly, one of the lessons Microsoft learned was to always be looking forward. So even though .NET Core was built to be cloud-native, they were also looking at the fledgling technologies of connected devices (IoT) and edge-computing. So, this forward-looking technology is wired in as well.
In other words, many of the same things that make .NET Core orders of magnitude faster than previous .NET iterations also make it more secure.
Security for .NET Core 3.1
Security is still in the hands of the developers and admins who write, deploy, and maintain the applications. The best practices that have been developed over the last two decades – some of which we’ve documented over the years — are still best practices. .NET Core 3.1 just makes them easier to deploy, easier to maintain, and faster to run.
The basics still apply, including:
Manage Your Identity Providers in .NET 3.1
Great security starts with keeping the black-hats out and letting the good guys in to do business. Before we talk about things like authentication, we need to start with the tools to do that user authentication. .NET Core 3.1 natively includes Identity providers. But it also supports major third-party identity services, including from the major social networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
Authentication First / Authorization Second
Old-school applications used to focus on Authorization — which allowed users to access certain functions or features based upon roles first. But once given any degree of access, a system is less secure if that individual has bad intent.
Enforce HTTPS
Deploying HTTPS is not the same as enforcing it.
Encryption keys used to cost money. But we live in a time when adding encryption to your web application is either free or VERY inexpensive. Three years ago we wrote extensively about great services like LetsEncrypt that offer free basic encryption. But there are a surprising number of sites that still have no encryption at all and many that do offer it as a security to visitors but do not enforce it as a security for and across the application itself.
Common Vulnerability Issues
According to Microsoft, the most common vulnerability types to guard against in .NET Core 3.1 are as follows:
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) — An attacker places client-side scripts inside vulnerable website code, allowing the interception of cookies or access tokens.
- SQL Injection — An attacker places executable database statements in an entry field. This is one of the most common attack types today. You can read about SQL injections on our blog.
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF) — An attacker takes advantage of a previously authorized session. To learn more about
- Open Redirect — Page/URL redirects are important tools in the hands of coders. But vulnerable websites can have redirects tampered with to point to a malicious URL. Information on preventing this kind of attack can be found on Microsoft’s website.
Summary - .NET Core 3.1 is Fully Secure
It is our opinion that the latest version of .NET Core 3.1.x is the safest and most secure development platform available today for creating business-class and enterprise-class websites and applications. But as with all development frameworks, deploying best practices and proper maintenance are key.