European ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting BLOG

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European ASP.NET Core Hosting :: ViewComponent In ASP.NET Core

clock January 28, 2020 11:09 by author Peter

ViewComponent was introduced in ASP.NET Core MVC. It can do everything that a partial view can and can do even more. ViewComponents are completely self-contained objects that consistently render html from a razor view. ViewComponents are very powerful UI building blocks of the areas of application which are not directly accessible for controller actions. Let's suppose we have a page of social icons and we display icons dynamically. We have separate settings for color, urls and names of social icons and we have to render icons dynamically.
Previously this kind of thing was achieved by HtmlHelpers and child actions but now it is very easy to use ViewComponent for this purpose. It is very easy to create your dynamic elements in a ViewCompnent and render in a view.
Creating a ViewComponent?
Step 1
Create a new ASP.NET Core MVC application and run that application. You can see an empty page like the following,

Step 2
We have to display data dynamically. In real scenarios dynamic data mostly comes from the database but for our application we do not use a database and we will create a class to generate fome data. So let's create a class. Add a class with name SocialIcon and add the following fields and methods in it,
    public class SocialIcon 
            public int ID { get; set; } 
            public string IconName { get; set; } 
            public string IconBgColor { get; set; } 
            public string IconTargetUrl { get; set; } 
            public string IconClass { get; set; } 
            public static List<SocialIcon> AppSocialIcons() 
                List<SocialIcon> icons = new List<SocialIcon>(); 
                icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 1, IconName = "Google", IconBgColor = "#dd4b39",IconTargetUrl="", IconClass="fa fa-google" }); 
                icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 2, IconName = "Facebook", IconBgColor = "#3B5998", IconTargetUrl="", IconClass="fa fa-facebook" }); 
                icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 3, IconName = "Linked In", IconBgColor = "#007bb5", IconTargetUrl = "", IconClass= "fa fa-fa-linkedin" }); 
                icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 4, IconName = "YouTube", IconBgColor = "#007bb5", IconTargetUrl = "", IconClass="fa fa-youtube" }); 
                icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 5, IconName = "Twitter", IconBgColor = "#55acee", IconTargetUrl = "",IconClass="fa fa-twitter" }); 
                return icons; 

Step 3
Add a ViewComponent class with name SocialLinksViewComponent. (Don't forget to add ViewComponent with name, in our application we will use it with name SocialLinks and by writing ViewComponent with its name system will understand that it is ViewComponent and will be handled accordingly).

Step 4
ViewComponents are generated from a C# class derived from a base class ViewComponent and are typically associated with a Razor files to generate markup. Just like controllers, ViewComponents also support constructor injection. To implement SocialLinksViewComponent add the following code in your class that you have just created:
    public class SocialLinksViewComponent : ViewComponent 
           List<SocialIcon> socialIcons = new List<SocialIcon>(); 
           public SocialLinksViewComponent() 
               socialIcons = SocialIcon.AppSocialIcons(); 
           public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync() 
               var model = socialIcons; 
               return await Task.FromResult((IViewComponentResult)View("SocialLinks", model)); 

We created a class and added a List of SocialIcon class. In constructor we loaded our list with data (it is not mandatory to add in constructor you can add data in InvokeAsync method as well and there will be no need of constructor). It will return data in our model object and will render markup in Razor View SocialLinks.
Step 5
We added a folder in Views > Shared with the name Components (it should have Components name). And will added a folder SocialLinks in this folder we created a Razor View with name SocialLinks.cshtml. Do the same and add the following code in Razor View,
    @model IList<ViewComponentApp.Models.SocialIcon>   
    <div class="col-md-12" style="padding-top:50px;">   
        @foreach (var icon in Model)   
            <a style="background:@icon.IconBgColor" href="@icon.IconTargetUrl">   
                <i class="@icon.IconClass"></i>   

Step 6
Now we have implemented our ViewComponent and added markup html in our coresponding Razor View. Now we will call this ViewComponent in our desired page where it is needed. I am calling it on Index.cshtml page you can use it anywhere in the application with just this following code,
    @(await Component.InvokeAsync("SocialLinks")) 

This above code snippet is the way we can call a ViewComponent in our Razor Views. It will render the desired markup. You can also pass parameters in ViewComponents as following,
    @(await Component.InvokeAsync("SocialLinks", new { IconsToShow = 5 })) 

This is how we can pass parameters. But in our application we are not passing any parameters so we will use the snippet above. So code in our Index.cshtml page will look like this,
        ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";   
        a {   
            padding: 5px;   
            margin: 5px;   
            color: white;   
        .main-div {   
            margin-bottom: 20px;   
            padding-bottom: 20px;   
    <div class="text-center main-div">   
        <h1 class="display-4">Welcome</h1>   
        <h3>View Component Example</h3>   
        @(await Component.InvokeAsync("SocialLinks", new { IconsToShow = 5 }))   

Step 7
Run the application. After successfully running the application you will see the following output,

You can see that our ViewComponent is rendered on our Index.cshtml page. Similarly this can be rendered on any page in application using the same call that we used on Index.cshtml page. 


European ASP.NET Core Hosting :: How to Create a Multi Tenant .NET Core Application

clock January 21, 2020 07:30 by author Scott


In the final installment we will extend our multi-tenant solution to allow each tenant to have different ASP.NET Identity providers configured. This will allow each tenant to have different external identiy providers or different clients for the same identity provider.

This is important to allow consent screens on third party services reflect the branding of the particular tenant that the user is signing in to.

Tenant specific authentication features

In this post we will enable three features

Allow different tenants to configure different authentication options

This is useful if different tenants want to allow different ways of signing in, e.g. one tenant might want to allow Facebook and Instagram while another wants local logins only.

Make sure each tenant has their own authentication cookies

This is useful if tenants are sharing a domain, you don’t want the cookies of one tenant signing you in to all tenants.

Note: If you follow this post your tenants will be sharing decryption keys so one tenant’s cookie is a valid ticket on another tenant. Someone could send one tenant’s cookie to a second tenant, you will need to either also include a tenant Id claim or extend this further to have seperate keys to verify the cookie supplied is intended for the tenant.

Allow different tenants to use different configured clients on an external identity provider

With platforms such as Facebook if it’s the first time the user is signing in they will often be asked to grant access to the application for their account, it’s importannt that this grant access screen mentions the tenant that is requesting access. Otherwise the user might get confused and deny access if it’s from a shared app with a generic name.


There are 3 main steps to our solution

1. Register the services depending on your tenant: Configure the authentication services depending on which tenant is in scope

2. Support dynamic registration of schemes: Move the scheme provider to be fetched at request time to reflect the current tenant context

3. Add an application builder extension: Make it nice for developers to enable the feature

This implementation is only compatible with ASP.NET Core 2.X. In 1.0 the Authentication was defined in the pipeline so you could use branching to configure services on a per-tenant basis, however this is no longer possible. The approach we’ve taken is to use our tenant specific container to register the different schemes/ options for each tenant.

This post on GitHub outlines all of the changes between 1.0 and 2.0.

1. Register the services depending on your tenant

public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    return services.UseMultiTenantServiceProvider<Tenant>((t, c) =>
        //Create a new service collection and register all services
        ServiceCollection tenantServices = new ServiceCollection();       

        var builder = tenantServices.AddAuthentication(o =>
                //Support tenant specific schemes
                o.DefaultScheme = $"{t.Id}-{IdentityConstants.ApplicationScheme}";
            }).AddCookie($"{t.Id}-{IdentityConstants.ApplicationScheme}", o =>

        //Optionally add different handlers based on tenant
        if (t.FacebookEnabled)
                builder.AddFacebook(o => {
                    o.ClientId = t.FacebookClientId;
                    o.ClientSecret = t.FacebookSecret; });

        //Add services to the container


Seems too easy right? It is. If you run it now your handlers aren’t registered using the default “.UseAuthentication” middleware. The schemes are registered in the middleware constructor before you have a valid tenant context. Since it doesn’t support registering schemes dynamically OOTB we will need to slightly modify it.

2. Update the authentication middleware to support dynamic registration of schemes

Disclaimer ahead! The ASP.NET framework was written by very smart people so I get super nervous about making any changes here - I’ve tried to limit the change but there could be unintended consequences! Proceed with caution

We’re going to take the existing middleware and just move the IAuthenticationSchemeProvider injection point from the constructor to the Invoke method. Since the invoke method is called after we’ve registered our tenant services it will have all the tenant specific authentication services available to it now.

/// <summary>
/// AuthenticationMiddleware.cs from framework with injection point moved
/// </summary>
public class TenantAuthMiddleware
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

    public TenantAuthMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
        _next = next ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(next));

    public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context, IAuthenticationSchemeProvider Schemes)
        context.Features.Set<IAuthenticationFeature>(new AuthenticationFeature
            OriginalPath = context.Request.Path,
            OriginalPathBase = context.Request.PathBase

        // Give any IAuthenticationRequestHandler schemes a chance to handle the request
        var handlers = context.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IAuthenticationHandlerProvider>();
        foreach (var scheme in await Schemes.GetRequestHandlerSchemesAsync())
            var handler = await handlers.GetHandlerAsync(context, scheme.Name)
                as IAuthenticationRequestHandler;
            if (handler != null && await handler.HandleRequestAsync())

        var defaultAuthenticate = await Schemes.GetDefaultAuthenticateSchemeAsync();
        if (defaultAuthenticate != null)
            var result = await context.AuthenticateAsync(defaultAuthenticate.Name);
            if (result?.Principal != null)
                context.User = result.Principal;

        await _next(context);

3. Add an application builder extension to register our slightly modified authentication middleware

This provides a nice way for the developer to quickly register the tenant aware authentication middleware

/// <summary>
/// Use the Teanant Auth to process the authentication handlers
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IApplicationBuilder UseMultiTenantAuthentication(this IApplicationBuilder builder)
    => builder.UseMiddleware<TenantAuthMiddleware>();

Now we can register the tenant aware authenticaion middleware like this

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)


Wrapping up

In this post we looked at how we can upgrade ASP.NET Core to support tenant specifc authentication, this means each tenant can have different external identify providers registered and connect to different clients for each of those providers.

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HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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