November 7, 2014 07:11 by

AspJpeg may be a server part which will facilitate your Classic ASP or ASP.NET applications with all their image-management desires. With AspJpeg, you'll be able to produce high-quality thumbnails, logo-stamp pictures, extract metadata information from pictures, crop, enhance, rotate, convert, more a lot of. Now, I am going to show you how to Create a thumbnail image sample with ASPJpeg in Classic ASP:
' Create instance of AspJpeg
Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
' Open source image
Jpeg.Open "c:\yourabsolutepath\yourimage.jpg"
' New width
L = 100
' Resize, preserve aspect ratio
Jpeg.Width = L
Jpeg.Height = Jpeg.OriginalHeight * L / Jpeg.OriginalWidth
' create thumbnail and save it to disk
Jpeg.Save "c:\yourabsolutepath\yourthumbnail.jpg"
And now, we are goint to Resize with ASPJpeg. The following script will open a JPEG image on the drive, resizes it and saves the resultant thumbnail back to disk.
' Create an instance of AspJpeg
Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
' Compute path to source image
Path = Server.MapPath("images") & "\test.jpg"
' Open source image
Jpeg.Open Path
' Decrease image size by 50%
Jpeg.Width = Jpeg.OriginalWidth / 2
Jpeg.Height = Jpeg.OriginalHeight / 2
' Optional: apply sharpening
Jpeg.Sharpen 1, 150
' Create thumbnail and save it to disk
Jpeg.Save Server.MapPath("images") & "\test_small.jpg"

Send your Thumbnail Directly to Browser
AspJpeg can send your thumbnail directly to the client browser rather than save it to disk. An image resizing script can be invoked via the SRC attribute of an <IMG> tag as below:
<IMG SRC="resize.asp?path=c:\dir\myimage.jpg&width=100">
Code for resize.asp as following:
' IMPORTANT: This script must not contain any HTML tags
' Create an instance of AspJpeg object
Set jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
jpeg.Open( Request("path") )
' Set new width
jpeg.Width = Request("width")
' Set new height, preserve original width/height ratio
jpeg.Height = _
jpeg.OriginalHeight * jpeg.Width / jpeg.OriginalWidth
' Send thumbnail data to client browser
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