European ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting BLOG

BLOG about ASP.NET 4, ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting and Its Technology - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

European ASP.NET 4 Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Solve Error - ASP.NET 4.0 has not been registered on the Web server

clock April 25, 2012 08:07 by author Scott

The above error message indicate that you haven’t configured your ASP.NET 4 on your IIS. To configure IIS7.0 to use ASP.NET 4, please follow this steps:

- Open command prompt under Administrative privileges.

- Navigate to this location C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319.
- Locate aspnet_regiis.exe file.
- Run the utility with –i switch to register ASP.NET 4.0 with IIS7

And you can see it will work now.

European ASP.NET Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Fix - "Server Error in '/application name' Application" while browsing an application

clock March 16, 2012 05:38 by author Scott

You may receive the following error message while browsing an application

"Server Error in '/application name' Application

Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off". "

This error might occur due to two scenarios.

1. There is an error in the application's logic with the inputformat, Type etc., and you have set the Custom Error Mode in the web.config to "On" and not specified a default redirect error page.

2. The web.config file is not well formed or having invalid characters and the application is not able to pick up the settings from the same.


1. Set the custom error mode to "Off" to view the error. After rectifying it and before deployment, change it to "On" and specify a default error page, as follows:-

<customErrors defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.aspx" mode="On">

such that your users will not be able to see the actual error and get your friendly error page where you can politely say "An error has occured! Sorry for the inconvenience ..." .

2. If the above solution is not working (i.e. even after setting the custom error mode to On, the same "Server Error" occurs, then the likely chance is that your web.config file is not well formed and has invalid characters etc.,

To resolve, it copy paste the contents of the file to a notepad, save it as an xml file and try to browse the xml file in the browser. If the xml file is unable to be rendered by the browser and throws error, then you can find the place where the tags are not well formed or invalid character(s) exist and rectify them.

Things worth noting is Web.config is case sensitive and even trailing / leading spaces can cause the above error.

This article applies to .NET - ASP.NET 1.0, 1.1 Versions. Hope it help

European ASP.NET 4 Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Fix Error - An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

clock March 1, 2012 10:01 by author Scott

Sometime when you try to setup a application for your website on IIS7 you get following error when you load your website.

This happens when ASP.NET modules and handlers should be specified in the IIS and configuration sections in Integrated mode. This problem can be fixed using following workaround

1) Change application configuration: First way to fix this issue is to migrate the application configuration to work properly in Integrated mode. You can use “
AppCmd“ command to migrate the application configuration:

%windir%/system32/inetsrv/>Appcmd migrate config “<AppPath>

Where “
<AppPath>“ is the virtual path of the application, such as “Default Web Site/virtualapp1“.

2) Modify web.config: You have to manually move the customer entries in the
<system.web>/<httpModules> and configuration to the <system.web>/<httpHandlers><system.webServer>/<handlers> and <system.webServer>/<modules> configuration sections, and either remove the <httpHandlers> and <httpModules> configuration OR add the following to your application’s or websites web.config:

<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration=”false”/>

3) Switch to Classic ASP.NET: Switch the website or application to an application pool that is configured to run in Classic ASP.NET mode. To move back to classic mode go to
IIS7 Manager >> Select the site (which you want to switch) >> edit settings and you will get following screen

Press “
Select” button which will open a window “Select Application Pool” (check below image); Select “Classic .NET AppPool” from the drop-down and press OK.

Now try to Access your website/application.

European ASP.NET 4 Hosting :: ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 Template Programming - Part II

clock June 4, 2011 06:23 by author Scott

This article is continuation of ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 Template Programming Part 1. In this part, I explain the different data binding options in ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 templates. Just a recap that I've consumed an ADO.NET data services to fetch AdventureWorks's Product table records. In this article, I explain how to update/add new record from client side.


Template supports the following bindings:

- One-time - The expression is evaluated only once when the template rendering happen
- One-way Live Binding - The expression is evaluated and update the value, if items in the data source changed
- Two-way Live Binding - If the data source value changed, the value in the expression updated. And if the value in the expression is updated, it will update data source also.

The below diagram depicts the binding.

In the above diagram, the red dashed arrow shows one-time data binding. Once the data from data source has been fetched by DataView using AdoNetDataContext. The one-way live binding has been shown as purple shadowed arrow. The purpose shadow here is whenever a data updated at data source, it is being updated to data view through AdoNetDataContext. The two-way live binding has been shown as green shadowed two-head arrow. In this case, data context should have the knowledge about update operation on data source and provide an interface to data view to send the modified values.

The these three bindings, ASP.NET AJAX provides the following expression convention:

- {{ }} - One-time (can be used on any HTML controls for example <p>{{ Name }}</p>)
- { binding } - One-way if other than user input HTML controls for example <td>{ binding Name } </td>
- {binding } - Two-way if INPUT HTML controls for example <input type="text" sys:value="{{ binding Name }}" />

Here, the input controls binds the values using sys:value attribute for two-way binding. Before going into the updatable data source, let us see how can we design master-detail layout to display Product name and Product details.

Master-Detail Layout

<body xmlns:sys="javascript:Sys"
  <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <!--Master View-->
      <ul sys:attach="dataview" class=" sys-template"
          dataview:dataprovider="{{ dataContext }}"
          dataview:fetchparameters="{{ {$top:'5'} }}"
          <li sys:command="Select">{binding Name }</li>

      <!--Detail View-->
      <div class="sys-template"
          dataview:data="{binding selectedData, source={{master}} }">
            <legend>{binding Name}</legend>
            <label for="detailsListPrice">List Price:</label>
            <input type="text" id="detailsListPrice"
                sys:value="{binding ListPrice}" />
            <br />
            <label for="detailsWeight">Weight:</label>
            <input type="text" id="detailsWeight" sys:value="{binding Weight}" />
            <br />              
          <button onclick="dataContext.saveChanges()">Save Changes</button>

Selectable And Editable

An unordered list shows the master details, here the product name (line 15). This line also indicates that the list item is selectable using
sys:command="Select". For maintaining master-detail or selectable item, primary key needs to be specified. The sys-key property of data view refers that primary key. In this example, I call the primary key as "master" (line 13). Also, you can see that I've passed a filter option using fetchparameter
property of data view (line 12). In this example, I request the ADO.NET data service to give only top five records using its filter syntax.

Whenever an item in the master list is selected, the details view needs to be notified. The widget for the details view and binding details should be identified using regular
sys:attach="dataview" and dataview's data property. In this example, dataview:data="{binding selectedData, source={{master}} }" specifies that binding with data view with sys-key name "master"
. The fieldset is used to show set of values for a product. Here, the list price and weight can be editable.

Once an item has been edited, this needs to be notified to the data source through data context. The button with caption "Save Changes" specifies that whenver this button is clicked, save the items in the details view into data source through data context's
saveChanges() method. The corresponding data source's update option should be set on data context's set_saveOperation()
. The following JavaScript code explains this.

var dataContext = new Sys.Data.AdoNetDataContext();

The ADO.NET Product data service's Products(id) method is used on set_saveOperation. An item can be updated, when Product service of ADO.NET data service is being invoked with product primary key as argument. Here, again I'm referring master layout's "master" sys-key as primary key of Product.

The output of the above code is

The top one is master view where Sport-100 Helmet, Red is selected and the details has been shown in the bottom page. You can edit and update the data source.

The selecteditemclass property of data view is used to show the selected item in different style.

.myselected  {
        color: white;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-color: Silver;

European ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting :: Error Message - A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client

clock May 13, 2011 07:26 by author Scott

For those of you who just upgraded your site to the latest ASP.NET 4.0 Framework, you may sometimes see this error message: “A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client”.

The request validation feature in ASP.NET provides a certain level of default protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. In previous versions of ASP.NET, request validation was enabled by default. However, it applied only to ASP.NET and only when those pages were executing.

In ASP.NET 4, by default, request validation is enabled for all requests, because it is enabled before the BeginRequest
phase of an HTTP request. As a result, request validation applies to requests for all ASP.NET resources, not just .aspx page requests. This includes requests such as Web service calls and custom HTTP handlers. Request validation is also active when custom HTTP modules are reading the contents of an HTTP request.

As a result, request validation errors might now occur for requests that previously did not trigger errors. To revert to the behavior of the ASP.NET 2.0 request validation feature, add the following setting in the Web.Config  file:

<httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" />

However, we recommend that you analyze any request validation errors to determine whether existing handlers, modules, or other custom code accesses potentially unsafe HTTP inputs that could be XSS attack vectors.

If you have problem with this upgrade, you can host your site with us. We are the premier European hosting that support ASP.NET 4 hosting with only €3.00/month. If you don’t like our service, you can just cancel your account.

European ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting :: How to Trigger the Client-side Validation Manually

clock May 10, 2011 06:10 by author Scott

By default the client-side validation is triggered when submitting forms using buttons. However, sometimes you may want to trigger client-side validation on your ASP page manually from custom Javascript. You can achieve that by calling Javascript validation functions provided by the ASP.Net framework directly from your custom code.

The following page source example displays a
TextBox and its validation controls (RequiredFieldValidator & ValidationSummary). The validation controls have the same ValidationGroup defined, which allows us to validate different page elements independently. The page displays also a DIV
element that will cause the Validation action when clicked:

<!-- Validation Summary -->
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server"
            HeaderText="Validation errors:" ValidationGroup="Group1"/> 

<!-- TextBox and its validator -->
Name: <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server"
            ErrorMessage="Name is required" Text="*"
            ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ValidationGroup="Group1"> /> 

<!-- Div that causes client-side validation when clicked -->
<div onclick="Validate();" >Validate Form</div>

The code above should should produce smth like that when validation is triggered:

Now let's take a look at the custom JS code that triggers the validation. There are couple ways to do that:

- Easy way - works for all validators from the same ValidationGroup:

function Validate()
    // If no group name provided the whole page gets validated


- If you want to validate only specific validators:

function Validate()

    // Get the specific validator element
    var validator = document.getElementById('RequiredFieldValidator1');

     // Validate chosen validator

    // Update validation summary for chosen validation group

European ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting :: Sending Email from ASP.Net 4 - C# Sample

clock May 6, 2011 07:15 by author Scott

Below is sample code showing how to send email from ASP.Net 4 (currently in beta as of this posting) using C#. With this code I am assuming that the server already has a local SMTP service installed, so I use "localhost" to relay the email.

Here is the SendMail.aspx page:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="SendMail.aspx.cs" Inherits="SendMail" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        Message to:
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtTo" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <br />
        Message from:
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtFrom" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtSubject" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <br />
        Message Body:
        <br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtBody" runat="server" Height="171px" TextMode="MultiLine"
        <br />
        <asp:Button ID="Btn_SendMail" runat="server" onclick="Btn_SendMail_Click"
            Text="Send Email" />
        <br />
        <br />
        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>

Here is the source code of the SendMail.aspx.cs page:

using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Net.Mail;

public partial class SendMail : System.Web.UI.Page

    protected void Btn_SendMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MailMessage mailObj = new MailMessage(
            txtFrom.Text, txtTo.Text, txtSubject.Text, txtBody.Text);
        SmtpClient SMTPServer = new SmtpClient("localhost");
            catch (Exception ex)
            Label1.Text = ex.ToString();

Hope this tutorial can help!!

European ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting :: CSS Friendly Menu Control in ASP.NET 4.0

clock April 30, 2011 06:43 by author Scott

It is very much easier to apply CSS when we have ul,li elements as the HTML content. If we look into ASP.NET Menu Control till Version 3.5, its render as Table-TR-TD Tag. Though Table/Tr/Td is quite useful to display tabular data but sometime  creates  a big problem when we need to do more work with CSS. To overcome this problem we generally used CSS Friendly adapter to render the ASP.NET Control in ul/li mode.

ASP.NET 4.0 makes the things easier for web developer by providing “RenderingMode” properties. Here we can specify RenderMode of a ASP.NET Menu control. Which define the what will be the HTML Render Content Type. Bydefault mode is “List” which means control will be render as ul/li. 

As per the above diagram we can see that there are three mode available. We can use any one of them as per the requirement.

Let’s see one small  example by using the ASP.Net menu web  control and check how it renders as HTML in ASP.Net 4.0.  Assume that we are having the following piece of code

<asp:Menu runat="server" ID="customeMenu" RenderingMode="List" >
                <asp:MenuItem Text="File" Value="File"></asp:MenuItem>
                <asp:MenuItem Text="Edit" Value="Edit"></asp:MenuItem>
                <asp:MenuItem Text="View" Value="View"></asp:MenuItem>
                <asp:MenuItem Text="WebSite" Value="WebSite"></asp:MenuItem>

This Menu control will be render as below html code  in  ASP.NET 4.0 as, we have mentioned “List” as the rendering mode.

        <li><a  href="#">File</a></li>
        <li><a  href="#">Edit</a></li>
        <li><a  href="#">View</a></li>
        <li><a  href="#">WebSite</a></li>

To test the above scenario run the web application that contain the menu control and after page rendered complete Right Click on  view source of the aspx page. The output will be look like as bellow.

We can also generate the Menu Control as HTML Table like earlier version by using RenderingMode=”Table”.

So, for the same block of code,

<asp:Menu runat="server" ID="customeMenu" RenderingMode="Table" >
               <asp:MenuItem Text="File" Value="File"></asp:MenuItem>
               <asp:MenuItem Text="Edit" Value="Edit"></asp:MenuItem>
               <asp:MenuItem Text="View" Value="View"></asp:MenuItem>
               <asp:MenuItem Text="WebSite" Value="WebSite"></asp:MenuItem>

HTML Rendered output will be as follows

<table > 
     <tr > 
                 <td >File</a></td> 
         <td><table > 
         <td><table > 
                 <td >View</a></td> 
     </tr><tr > 
         <td><table > 

Note: With the above html content ASP.NET engine automatically adds few client side script along like onmouseover=”Menu_HoverStatic(this)” onmouseout=”Menu_Unhover(this)” onkeyup=”Menu_Key(this)” id=”customeMenun0″ with rendered menu items. Which helps the developer to handel the client side events.

Top Reasons to host your ASP.NET MVC Website with

There are many reasons why so many people choose HostForLife over any other web hosting provider each year. Whether you’re beginner or an experience webmaster, HostForLife offers the perfect solution for everyone.

You’ll have highly trained, skilled professional technical support people ready, willing, and wanting to help you 24 hours a day. Your web hosting account servers are monitored from three monitoring points, with two alert points, every minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The followings are the list of other added-benefits you can find when hosting with us:

1. World-class 24x7 Customer Support
Will your hosting company promptly answer questions and resolve issues - at 3 am on a Sunday? Even some providers claiming “24x7” support will not - but HostForLife will. Our outstanding uptime is backed by true 24x7 customer support. An expertly trained technician will respond to your query within one hour, round the clock. You will also get qualified answers. Other hosting companies typically have very low - level support staff during the night or weekends. HostForLife always has knowledgeable, top - level  support standing by, day or night, to give you the answers you need.

2. Commitment to Outstanding Reliability
Reliability, Stability, and Performance of our servers remain out TOP priority. Even our basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%. Our state-of-the-art data centers combine servers and SAN storage with full redundancy and operational tools with proprietary service management techniques. Full backup and recovery capabilities are implemented, including redundant power supplies, cooling and connectionsto major data networks.

3. “Right-size” plans for maximum value
HostForLife offers a complete menu of services. IT professionals select only what they need - and leave behind what they don’t. The result is an optimal blend of cost and performance. We offer IT professionals more advanced features and the latest technology - ahead of other hosting companies.

4. Profitable, Stable, Debt-free Business
Financial stability is the bedrock of a hosting provider’s ability to deliver outstanding uptime, cost-effective service plans and world-class 24x7 support.  HostForLife’s customers are assured of our financial integrity and stability - a stark contrast to the ups and downs they may have experienced with other providers.

5. The Best Account Management Tools
HostForLife revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interfaces that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Some other hosting providers manually execute configuration requests, which can take days. Plesk completes requests in second. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionally - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLife’s customers.

6. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
HostForLife 30 day money back guarantee ensures you have the ability to cancel your account anytime within your first 30 days under our full 30 day money back guarantee (less one-time account setup free). So what are you waiting for? Sign up today, risk free…

7. Simplicity with FREE 1-Click Installation

HostForLife was designed with ease of use in mind. From one click installations of your favourite website applications to our much talked about drag and drop website builder, you can rest assure your stay with us is going to be a smooth one. HostForLife offers the most extensive set of scripts on the web allowing you to build complicated websites with little or no programming knowledge at all. From blogs to forums to powerful e-commerce solutions, Super Green has something that is right for you.

European ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting :: How to Solve Error-404 Not Found

clock April 28, 2011 10:26 by author Scott

Error Message:

404 Not Found error messages are often customized by each website, especially very large ones, so keep in mind that this error may present itself in more ways than the common ones listed below

- "404 Error"
-"Page cannot be displayed"
-"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
-"404: Not Found"
-"The page cannot be found"
-"Error 404: NOT FOUND"
-"HTTP 404 - File not found"
-"Not Found"

The 404 Not Found error displays inside the Internet browser window, just as web pages do.


1. Retry the web page by clicking the refresh/reload button or trying the URL from the address bar again. The 404 Not Found error has been known to appear on occasion even if there is no real issue so a simple refresh will often load the page you were looking for.

2. Check for errors in the URL. Often times the 404 Not Found error appears because the URL was typed wrong or the link that was clicked on points to the wrong URL.

3. Move up one directory level at a time in the URL until you find something. For example, if gave you the 404 Not Found error, move up to If you get nothing here, move up to This should lead you toward what you're looking for or at least confirm that it's no longer available.

4. If you move all the way up to the website's main page, try to run a search for the information you're looking for. If a search function isn't available, try finding your information by using links from this page to dig deeper into the site.

5. Test the page at Just enter the webpage in this online tool and it will tell you just that - if the site is down for everyone, or if the problem is on your end somewhere.

Top Reasons to host your ASP.NET MVC Website with

There are many reasons why so many people choose HostForLife over any other web hosting provider each year. Whether you’re beginner or an experience webmaster, HostForLife offers the perfect solution for everyone.

You’ll have highly trained, skilled professional technical support people ready, willing, and wanting to help you 24 hours a day. Your web hosting account servers are monitored from three monitoring points, with two alert points, every minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The followings are the list of other added-benefits you can find when hosting with us:

1. World-class 24x7 Customer Support
Will your hosting company promptly answer questions and resolve issues - at 3 am on a Sunday? Even some providers claiming “24x7” support will not - but HostForLife will. Our outstanding uptime is backed by true 24x7 customer support. An expertly trained technician will respond to your query within one hour, round the clock. You will also get qualified answers. Other hosting companies typically have very low - level support staff during the night or weekends. HostForLife always has knowledgeable, top - level  support standing by, day or night, to give you the answers you need.

2. Commitment to Outstanding Reliability
Reliability, Stability, and Performance of our servers remain out TOP priority. Even our basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%. Our state-of-the-art data centers combine servers and SAN storage with full redundancy and operational tools with proprietary service management techniques. Full backup and recovery capabilities are implemented, including redundant power supplies, cooling and connectionsto major data networks.

3. “Right-size” plans for maximum value
HostForLife offers a complete menu of services. IT professionals select only what they need - and leave behind what they don’t. The result is an optimal blend of cost and performance. We offer IT professionals more advanced features and the latest technology - ahead of other hosting companies.

4. Profitable, Stable, Debt-free Business
Financial stability is the bedrock of a hosting provider’s ability to deliver outstanding uptime, cost-effective service plans and world-class 24x7 support.  HostForLife’s customers are assured of our financial integrity and stability - a stark contrast to the ups and downs they may have experienced with other providers.

5. The Best Account Management Tools
HostForLife revolutionized hosting with Plesk Control Panel, a Web-based interfaces that provides customers with 24x7 access to their server and site configuration tools. Some other hosting providers manually execute configuration requests, which can take days. Plesk completes requests in second. It is included free with each hosting account. Renowned for its comprehensive functionally - beyond other hosting control panels - and ease of use, Plesk Control Panel is available only to HostForLife’s customers.

6. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
HostForLife 30 day money back guarantee ensures you have the ability to cancel your account anytime within your first 30 days under our full 30 day money back guarantee (less one-time account setup free). So what are you waiting for? Sign up today, risk free…

7. Simplicity with FREE 1-Click Installation
HostForLife was designed with ease of use in mind. From one click installations of your favourite website applications to our much talked about drag and drop website builder, you can rest assure your stay with us is going to be a smooth one. HostForLife offers the most extensive set of scripts on the web allowing you to build complicated websites with little or no programming knowledge at all. From blogs to forums to powerful e-commerce solutions, Super Green has something that is right for you.


About HostForLIFE

HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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