European ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting BLOG

BLOG about ASP.NET 4, ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting and Its Technology - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

European ASP.NET Hosting - France :: How to Improve your ASP.NET Web API Performance

clock February 24, 2015 08:46 by author Scott

In this article, I will share about how to improve your ASP.NET Web API performance

1. Use fastest JSON serializer

JSON serialization  can affect overall performance of ASP.NET Web API significantly. A year and a half I have switched from JSON.NET serializer on one of my project to ServiceStack.Text .

2. Use other formats if possible (protocol buffer, message pack)

If you can use other formats like Protocol Buffers or MessagePack in your project instead of JSON do it.

You will get huge performance benefits not only because Protocol Buffers serializer is faster, but because format is smaller than JSON which will result in smaller and faster responses.

3. Implement compression

Use GZIP or Deflate compression on your ASP.NET Web API.

Compression is an easy and effective way to reduce the size of packages and increase the speed.

4. Use Caching

If it makes sense, use output caching on your Web API methods. For example, if a lot of users accessing same response that will change maybe once a day.

5. Implement async on methods of Web API

Using asynchronous Web API services can increase the number of concurrent HTTP requests Web API can handle.

Implementation is simple. The operation is simply marked with the async keyword and the return type is changed to Task.

public async Task OperationAsync() 
    await Task.Delay(2000); 

6. Use classic ADO.NET if possible

Hand coded ADO.NET is still the fastest way to get data from database. If the performance of Web API is really important for you, don’t use ORMs.

Please just see this table performance below

The Dapper and the hand-written fetch code are very fast, as expected, all ORMs are slower than those three.

LLBLGen with resultset caching is very fast, but it fetches the resultset once and then re-materializes the objects from memory.

Hope above tutorial help you.

European ASP.NET Hosting - Germany :: How to Fix - The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address

clock July 10, 2014 09:08 by author Scott

Hello, in this post, I will describe short tutorial about how to solve The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address. I found many people find this error on forums. Here is the error message:

As you can see above, that is the error message that you might find. So, what’s the problem?

OK, the problem in this case is not from the page itself, but it comes from your web.config file. This configuration file has a < /> element that enables you to store information about the mail server and the from account. I will give you 2 examples below how it will crash your page:

    <smtp from="">
      <network host=""/>

Please see the missing @ symbol in the mail address. And other error may come from incorrect encoded angled brackets, see this:

    <smtp from="Your Name &lt;">
      <network host=""/>

This from attributes has an opening < character (encoded as &lt;) but lacks the closing > bracket. To avoid the error, make sure the e-mail address in the from attribute has a valid syntax and uses the right angled brackets (if you use both a name and an e-mail address) like this:

    <smtp from="Your Name &lt;;">
      <network host=""/>

If you are curious why your code crashed, then you can use Reflector and take a look in the class’s constructor code:

public MailMessage()
  this.body = string.Empty;
  this.message = new Message();
  if (Logging.On)
    Logging.Associate(Logging.Web, this, this.message);
  string from = SmtpClient.MailConfiguration.Smtp.From;
  if ((from != null) && (from.Length > 0))
    this.message.From = new MailAddress(from);

Here you can see that the code uses the (internal and static) MailConfiguration property of the SmtpClient class that in turn provides access to the From name and address. This name and address value is then passed into the constructor of the MailAddress class which performs the actual validation using its private ParseValue method.

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European ASP.NET Hosting Tips :: How to Consume Web API OData From .NET And JavaScript Client Applications

clock December 5, 2013 06:25 by author Scott

In this post, we will consume the service from a .NET client and a web page.

Consuming Web API OData using a .NET client:

A Web API OData service can be consumed using WCF Data Services client. If you gave already worked with WCF Data Services, you already know about consuming Web API OData Service as well.

Right click on a .NET project and choose the option Add Service Reference. In the dialog, enter the OData service URL and click the Go button.

The dialog parses the metadata received from the server and shows the available entities under container as shown in the screenshot. As we created just one entity in the service, we see the entity Employee alone. Name the namespace as you wish and hit OK. Visual Studio generates some classes for the client application based on the metadata.

The generated code contains the following:

  • A Container class, which is responsible for communicating with the service. It holds DataServiceQuery<TEntity> type properties for each EntitySet on the server
  • A class for every entity type. This class contains all properties mapped on the server, information about key of the entity

A Container is much like a DbContext in Entity Framework. It handles all the operations. Container is responsible for building OData URLs and sending requests to the service for any operation that client asks for. Let’s start by creating a Container. Constructor of the container accepts a URI, which is base address of the Web API OData service.

Container container = new Container(new Uri("http://localhost:1908/odata"));

To fetch details of all employees, we need to invoke the Corresponding DataServiceQuery property.

var employees = container.Employees;

Although the statement looks like an in-memory operation, it generates the corresponding URL internally and calls the server. Similarly, to get details of an employee with a given Id, we can write a LINQ query as shown:

var employee = container.Employees.Where(e => e.Id == 3).FirstOrDefault();

The above query makes a call to the Get method accepting key in the Web API Controller.

To create a new employee, we need to create an object of the Employee class, add it and ask Container to save it. Following snippet demonstrates this:

Employee emp = new Employee() { Id = 0, Name = "Hari", Salary = 10000 };

Performing update is also much similar. The difference is with calling the SaveChanges method.

emp = container.Employees.Where(e => e.Id == 3).FirstOrDefault();
emp.Name = "Stacy";

If SaveChanges is called with SaveChangesOptions.ReplaceOnUpdate, it performs PUT operation on the resource. If SaveChangesOptions.PatchOnUpdate is passed, it performs PATCH operation on the resource.

To delete an entry, we need to pass an object to DeleteObject method and just like earlier cases; we need to call the SaveChanges method on the Container.

container.DeleteObject(container.Employees.Where(e => e.Id == 3).FirstOrDefault());

Consuming Web API OData using JavaScript client:

To consume the Web API OData service from a web page, the service has to be called using AJAX. The client can send an AJAX request to the URL of the OData service by specifying an HTTP verb to operate on the resource. To make our life easier, let’s use jQuery for AJAX calls.

To get details of all employees, we need to send a GET request to the OData URL. Values of entries in the collection are stored in a property named value in the object received as response. Fetching details of an employee with a given Id also follows similar approach. Following snippet demonstrates this:

$.getJSON(“/odata/Employees”, function(data){
    $.each(data.value, function(){
        //Modify UI accordingly

$.getJSON(“/odata/Employees(3)”, function(data){
        //Modify UI accordingly

To add a new employee, we need to send the new object to $.post along with the URL.

var employee = {
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": “Ravi”,
    "Salary": 10000

$.post(“/odata/Employees”, employee).done(function(data){
    //Modify UI accordingly

Unfortunately, jQuery doesn’t have a shorthand method for PUT. But it is quite easy with $.ajax as well. To perform PUT on the resource, the request should be sent to the specific address with an ID and the modified object should be passed with the request.

var employee = {
    "Id": 3,
    "Name": “Ravi”,
    "Salary": 10000

url: "/odata/Employees(" + employee.Id + ")",
       type: "PUT",
       data: employee

Building request for DELETE is similar to put, we just don’t need to pass the object.

url: "/odata/Employees(" + id + ")",
type: "DELETE"

European ASP.NET Hosting - Amsterdam :: Tips to Send Email in ASP.NET 2.0 with Authentication

clock September 12, 2013 11:07 by author Scott

This is simple code how to send email in ASP.NET 2 with Authentication. In the following tutorial, I will show you how you can authenticate smtp client when sending emails in ASP.NET 2.0.

You need to import System.Net.Mail and System.Net namespaces to test following code.


string mailFrom = "FromEmailAddressHere";
string mailTo = "ToEmailAddressHere";

string subject = "ASP.NET Test Email";

string messageBody = "This email is send to you from ASP.NET";

//  Create Mail Message Object
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(mailFrom, mailTo, subject, messageBody);

// Create SmtpClient class to Send Message
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();

// Here you specify your smtp host address such as
client.Host = "localhost";

// Specify that you dont want to use default credentials
client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;

// Create user credentials by using NetworkCredential class

NetworkCredential credential = new NetworkCredential();
credential.UserName = "waqas";
credential.Password = "secret";
client.Credentials = credential;


Dim mailFrom As String = "FromEmailAddressHere"
Dim mailTo As String = "ToEmailAddressHere"

Dim subject As String = "ASP.NET Test Email"

Dim messageBody As String = "This email is send to you from ASP.NET"

' Create Mail Message Object
Dim message As New MailMessage(mailFrom, mailTo, subject, messageBody)

' Create SmtpClient class to Send Message
Dim client As New SmtpClient()

' Here you specify your smtp host address such as
client.Host = "localhost"

' Specify that you dont want to use default credentials
client.UseDefaultCredentials = False

' Create user credentials by using NetworkCredential class

Dim credential As New NetworkCredential()
credential.UserName = "waqas"
credential.Password = "secret"
client.Credentials = credential



European ASP.NET Hosting - Amsterdam :: Tips to Populate Or Bind DropDownList With JQuery And XML In Asp.Net

clock July 8, 2013 11:32 by author Scott

In this example i'm explaining How To Populate Or Bind DropDownList With JQuery And XML In Asp.Net.

Add jquery library reference in head section and place one dropdown on the page.

Add one list item with select as it's value.

   1:  <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server">
   2:  <asp:ListItem>Select</asp:ListItem>
   3:  </asp:DropDownList>
   5:  <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text=""/>

Following is the Cities.xml file i'm using to bind dropdownlist using jquery.

01<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?-->
03  <city>
04    <name>New York</name>
05    <id>1</id>
06  </city>
07    <city>
08    <name>Washington</name>
09      <id>2</id>
10  </city>
11  <city>
12    <name>Chicago</name>
13    <id>3</id>
14  </city>
15  <city>
16    <name>Seattle</name>
17    <id>4</id>
18  </city>

Add this script in head section of page.

01<script src="jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
02<script type="text/javascript">
05  $.ajax(
06  {
07    type: "GET",
08    url: "Cities.xml",
09    dataType: "xml",
10    success: function(xml)
11    {
12      var dropDown = $('#<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>');
13      $(xml).find('City').each(function()
14      {
15        var name = $(this).find('name').text();
16        var id = $(this).find('id').text();
17        dropDown.append($("<option></option>").val(id).html(name));
18      });
19      dropDown.children(":first").text("--Select--").attr("selected", true);
20    }
21  });
22  $('#<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>').change(function()
23  {
24  var ddl = $('#<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>');
25  var selectedText = $('#<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %> option:selected').text();
26  var selectedValue = $('#<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>').val();
27  document.getElementById('Label1').innerHTML = "You selected " + selectedText + " With id " + selectedValue;
28  });

Build and run the code.


European ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting - Amsterdam :: ASP.Net 4.5 Strongly Typed Data Controls and Visual Studio 2012

clock June 25, 2013 06:46 by author Scott

In this post I will show you one of great features in ASP.NET 4.5, it is called Strongly Typed Data controls in ASP.NET 4.5.

I will be demonstrating with a hands-on example on Strongly Typed Data controls and how we can have Intellisense and compile type checking using this new feature.

I assume you have downloaded VS 2012 (Express edition will do).I have also downloaded and installed AdventureWorksLT2012 database.You can download this database from the codeplex website.

I will be creating a simple website without using this feature. Then I will show you what the problem is without using this feature.

1) Launch VS 2012. Create a new ASP.Net Web Forms Site. Choose C# as the development language.Give an appropriate name to your site.

2) Now we will add a data access layer to our site in order to fetch some data to the user interface.I will use EF database first approach.

3) Add a new item in your project, an ADO.Net Entity Data Model. I have named it AdventureWorksLT.edmx.Then we will create the model from the database and click Next.Create a new connection by specifying the SQL Server instance and the database name and click OK.Then click Next in the wizard.In the next screen of the wizard select only the Customer table from the database and hit Finish.You will see the Customer entity in the Entity Designer. 

4) Add a new web form to your site.Name is Customer.aspx.We will add a new web server control a GridView that will get the data from the database through EF.

This is the code for the web server control.I am using the Bind syntax.We are using strings to represent the property names (FirstName,LastName).

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">

                <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="FirstName">
                        <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("FirstName") %>'></asp:Label>
               <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="LastName">

    <asp:Label ID="lbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("LastName")




5) In the Page_Load event handling routine of the Customer.aspx page type the following code

        AdventureWorks2012Entities ctx = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();

        var query = from cust in ctx.Customers
        select new {cust.FirstName,cust.LastName};

        GridView1.DataSource = query.ToList();


6)  Build and Run the application. You will see the data appearing on the page.

7) Now let's do a simple typo.Replace the following line

<asp:Label ID="lbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("LastName") %>'></asp:Label>

with this

<asp:Label ID="lbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("LLastName") %>'></asp:Label>

Build your site. It will compile. The compiler does not know anything . Guess where you will get the exception, at runtime.Run your site and you will get an exception.

8) Let's rewrite the code in the Customers.aspx page.

        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ItemType="AdventureWorks2012Entities.Customer">

                <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="FirstName">

                        <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%# Item.FirstName %>'></asp:Label>

                <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="LastName">

                        <asp:Label ID="lbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Item.LastName %>'></asp:Label>




Now we can tell our application what type of data the control will be bound to using the ItemType 


Now we need to alter the code in the template. Have a look at those 2 lines 

  <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%# Item.FirstName %>'></asp:Label>
  <asp:Label ID="lbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Item.LastName %>'></asp:Label> 

Now we have compile type checking and Intellisense in our sample application.As we type the compiler informs us if it recognizes the property. This is a great enhancement since I do not want to face exceptions on runtime because of typos. 

9) Build and run your application again. The sample application works fine.


European ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Creating Custom Value Provider in ASP.NET 4.5

clock May 30, 2013 07:46 by author Scott

With ASP.NET 4.5, ASP.NET introduced model binding for web forms as well. Model binding helps to simplify code focused data access logic within web forms.

Here in this post, we will see how we can create our own custom value provider. We will also examine inbuilt class of ASP.NET 4.5 model binding framework which can be useful in creating custom value provider more easily with focused approach.

Before we look into actual interfaces and classes, let us examine few basics of model binding framework. All model binding framework and corresponding classes are resides in System.Web.ModelBinding namespace which is newly introduced with ASP.NET 4.5. For any value provider to work with model binder it requires two components one is implementation of value provider which reads data from request and forward it to model binder and other one is value provider source attribute which expose the actual value provider instance. Have a look at below code snippet here QueryStringAttribute is value provider source attribute which expose object of QueryStringValueProvider so model binder can use it to fetch data.

public IQueryable<Blog> SelectMethod([QueryString]int? id)

Creating Value Provider Source Attribute

To create custom value provider attribute we can derive Attribute class and implement IValueProviderSource interface as displayed in below code snippet.

public class CustomValueProviderAttribute : Attribute, IValueProviderSource
    public IValueProvider GetValueProvider(ModelBindingExecutionContext modelBindingExecutionContext)
        return new CustomValueProvider(modelBindingExecutionContext);

Here we can have access of ModelBindingExecutionContext and we can pass same to value provider if it is required. Through ModelBindingExecutionContext we can also have access of HttpContextBase and ModelStateDictionary.

Creating Value Provider

Same way we can create Custom Value Provider by implementing IValueProvider interface. Below code snippet shows pseudo code for the same.

public class CustomValueProvider : IValueProvider
    ModelBindingExecutionContext _modelBindingExecutionContext;

    public CustomValueProvider(ModelBindingExecutionContext modelBindingExecutionContext)
        this._modelBindingExecutionContext = modelBindingExecutionContext;

    public bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
        // validate if requested key is exist or not

    public ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key)
        // return ValueProviderResult object we
        // can use ModelBindingExecutionContext
        // to access request data

Once we are ready we can use created value provider as

SelectMethod([CustomValueProvider]int? id, [CustomValueProvider]string name)

As noted earlier, there are few inbuilt classes in ASP.NET 4.5 model binding framework which give more focused control over custom business logic. Here we will also examine one of its which is SimpleValueProvider. Here we will examine how we can focus on core logic and leaving other responsibility on core framework.

public class CustomValueProvider : SimpleValueProvider
    public CustomValueProvider(ModelBindingExecutionContext modelBindingExecutionContext)
        : base(modelBindingExecutionContext)

    protected override object FetchValue(string key)
        // here we can access this.ModelBindingExecutionContext
        // and can look into request data. Once we fetch requested
        // data we just need to return actual value for e.g.           
        return "";
        // NOTE: WE ARE NOT RETURNING ValueProviderResult INSTANCE

Earlier with IValueProvider, we had to check if requested key exist or not and if it is then instantiating ValueProviderResult and return it. While with SimpleValueProvider we only need to return actual value of requested key or null incase if it does not exist rest will be taken care by SimpleValueProvider class. Another such framework class is NameValueCollectionValueProvider which act as a base class to create value provider from name value collection. Here I am not demonstrating it. I am leaving it for reader :).

SimpleValueProvider and ASP.NET MVC

Can’t we have/introduce SimpleValueProvider class for MVC in upcoming version?


Once model binding is done for parameter it is added to ModelStateDictionary dictionary along with its value. For e.g.

SelectMethod([CustomValueProvider]int? id, [CustomValueProvider]string name)

In above code once model binding is done for parameter id, it is added to ModelStateDictionary and it is accessible in rest of the parameter model binding i.e. parameter name here.


European ASP.NET Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Develop Mobile WebSite Using ASP.NET

clock May 8, 2013 06:58 by author Scott

In this article we will learn how to create web pages for mobile. Developing mobile web pages is not as developing our simple desktop pages. For developing mobile web pages we have to use “System.Web.Mobile” dll which will provide the classes for developing our mobile web pages. This dll contains all about mobile web pages. How to add this dll and how to use we will see here step-by-step.

1. Start new Website give some name. It will create a website with web.confige and one Default.aspx and Default.aspx.cs files.

2. Next Goto Website menu and add Reference to “System.Web.Mobile” namespace.

3. Now just open Default.aspx page in source code view and register our System.Web.Mobile assembly like this.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>

4. Open the page in Design view and see how the page is looking now. Generally mobile pages are not editable. If we want to design this pages with controls we cannot use our toolbox controls. For creating controls we must have to write control code in source view.

5. Now move to source code view and create controls like bellow. Here we will Create Label,TextBox And Button controls. For creating mobile web controls we must have to create mobile form for that just replace our Desktop form like and create the controls for our mobile web page.

<html xmlns="" >
    <mobile:Form id="Form1" runat="server">
<mobile:Label ID="label1" Runat="server">Label1</mobile:Label>
<mobile:TextBox ID="TextBox1" Runat="server"></mobile:TextBox>
<mobile:Command ID="Command1" Runat="server" OnClick="Command1_Click">Command1</mobile:Command>

6. Now go code view mean in aspx.cs file and import the namespace of mobile pages and controls as well inherit the Default page with MobilePage.

using System.Web.Mobile;
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls;
public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected void Command1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


7. Now run the application and see in the browser pages will look like something bellow screen. To test this mobile web pages in mobile screens we have to test in mobile emulators. But here we will see our pages in generally desktop browser.

Adding Mobile Web Pages Template To Visual Studio 2008:

Here we will see how to add Deafult template to visual studio 2008. This template actually I got from some website. This template are specially mobile page templates which will add mobile page to our project. This is will make your work easy for adding the mobile web page. Means here you need not to write the code every time just follow the steps given bellow.

1. Here we will see how to add Deafult template to visual studio 2008. This template actually I got from some website. This template are specially mobile page templates which will add mobile page to our project. This is will make your work easy for adding the mobile web page. Means here you need not to write the code every time just follow the steps given bellow.

2. Now open this directory which contains 3 zip files and one text file just open that text file and copy that zip file to the given location  in text file. Fallol same procedure for both directory.

3. Now open Visual Studio and start new website again. Which will give same web.Confige Default.aspx and Default.aspx.cs files. Now delete this files and say Add new item which display visual studio template with our mobile web page templates as follows.

Done…. Now, you know how to develop mobile web pages.


European ASP.NET Hosting - Amsterdam :: Tips Submit Form with ASP.NET

clock March 11, 2013 06:11 by author Scott

In this article I try to explain the default submit behavior of form and panel. Suppose, you want to press/click submit button on Enter key press or you are trying to post the form on Enter key press. In, to achieve this functionality we need to set "Defaultbutton" property either in Form or in panel.

Form DefaultButton Property

     <form id="form1" runat="server" defaultbutton="btnSubmit">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtUserID" runat="server"/> <asp:TextBox ID="txtUserpwd" runat="server"/> <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" OnClick="btnSubmit _Click" Text="Submit"/>

Panel DefaultButton Property

     <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" defaultbutton="btnSubmit">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtUserID" runat="server"/> <asp:TextBox ID="txtUserpwd" runat="server"/> <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" OnClick="btnSubmit _Click" Text="Submit"/>
    </asp:Panel >


1. We specify the defaultbutton property at the Form level in the form tag when there is only one Submit Button for post back.

2. We specify the defaultbutton property at the Panel level in the Panel tag when there are multiple Submit Button for post back.

European ASP.NET Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Publish ASP.NET Web Application

clock February 6, 2013 07:04 by author Scott

In this article I will show you how to publish ASP.NET web application. I have found many people ask this question on forum. You can simply publish your web application to the File System and copy paste all the files to your server. Then from IIS, you can add a new website. You can set this by right clicking on the web application in the solution explorer and choosing 'Package/Publish Settings'.

Right click on your project in the solution explorer and choose 'Publish'. From the dialog box, as the publish method, choose 'File System'. And choose some directory as the Target Location.

Add the website by right clicking on the 'Sites' in IIS.

Then give a name to your site and select the Physical path from where you copied the site folder.


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