The technology framework varies according on the context in which the program will run, as is common with Microsoft technology, which comes with numerous environments like Desktop, Web, Mobile apps, etc. Thus, the application needs to be planned and built based on the environment. But difficulties will now arise.

Step 1: Please verify that the current application target framework is in place before moving to the higher version. After selecting Solution Properties, check as shown below.

Step 2: To access the upgrade button menu, simply perform a right-click on the solution.

Step 3: The window for the upgrade assistant will appear and ask what has to be done next to upgrade the project.

Step 4: You'll be prompted to choose the target framework in this window.

Step 5: At this point, you may choose which components to upgrade to the newest target framework or migrate to an updated version of.

Step 6: As I pick every component, the system will verify and either provide you with the most recent code alteration or advise you to make the necessary adjustments. Improvement is underway. It will require some time to finish and provide the report.

Step 7: The report is now generated and displayed in the window for the upgrading assistant. Please take the example below into consideration. The project output will vary if the project is an enterprise application.

Step 8: The Visual Studio output window allows the developer to view the current status.

After the DotNet or.Net upgrade assistant is finished, we must follow its recommendations and make changes to the code base. Step 7 indicates that the.net8-windows target framework does not support MVVMLight. Thus, we must decide and update such packages. In this case, CommunityToolkit is an alternative to MVVMLight.Since MVVM is available in Nuget, the codebase must also be modified.

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