March 31, 2016 23:15 by
This tutorial will show you how to get youtube video thumbnail image in ASP.NET. Write the following code that returns image thumbnail url of given youtube video url by passing video url as a parameter in getYouTubeThumbnail method.

public string getYouTubeThumbnail(string YoutubeUrl)
string youTubeThumb=string.Empty;
if (YoutubeUrl == "")
return "";
if (YoutubeUrl.IndexOf("=") > 0)
youTubeThumb = YoutubeUrl.Split('=')[1];
else if (YoutubeUrl.IndexOf("/v/") > 0)
string strVideoCode = YoutubeUrl.Substring(YoutubeUrl.IndexOf("/v/") + 3);
int ind = strVideoCode.IndexOf("?");
youTubeThumb = strVideoCode.Substring(0, ind == -1 ? strVideoCode.Length : ind);
else if (YoutubeUrl.IndexOf('/') < 6)
youTubeThumb = YoutubeUrl.Split('/')[3];
else if (YoutubeUrl.IndexOf('/') > 6)
youTubeThumb = YoutubeUrl.Split('/')[1];
return "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + youTubeThumb + "/mqdefault.jpg";
You may call the above function with various youtube url format like,
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