April 17, 2015 07:11 by
In this post i will be able to show you how to discover loop in linked list with ASP.NET C#. We can notice the loop within the coupled list via Floyd’s Cycle-Finding formula, explained here. The method is pretty simple: We have a tendency to begin at the start of the linked list with 2 pointers. The primary pointer is incremented through every node of the list. The second pointer moves twice as quick, and skips each other node. If the coupled list contains a loop, these 2 pointers can eventually meet at the same node, so indicating that the linked list contains a loop.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Algo
public class Node
public Node Next { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
public Node(int value)
this.Value = value;
public class LinkedList
private Node _head;
public LinkedList()
public void AppendLast(Node newNode)
if (_head == null)
_head = newNode;
Node current = _head;
while (current.Next != null)
current = current.Next;
current.Next = newNode;
public override string ToString()
Node current = _head;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
while (current != null)
builder.Append(current.Value + "->");
current = current.Next;
return builder.ToString();
public bool IsCycle()
Node slow = _head;
Node fast = _head;
while (fast != null && fast.Next != null)
fast = fast.Next.Next;
slow = slow.Next;
if (slow == fast)
return true;
return false;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
list.AppendLast(new Node(10));
list.AppendLast(new Node(20));
list.AppendLast(new Node(30));
Node cycle = new Node(40);
list.AppendLast(new Node(60));
if (list.IsCycle())
Console.WriteLine("Linked List is cyclic as it contains cycle or loop");
Console.WriteLine("LinkedList is not cyclic, no loop or cycle found");
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